Universal Maintenance Oil / Brown - 100 ml

Universal Maintenance Oil  /  Brown - 100 ml
Netto 15 EUR + VAT 4 EUR

RMC Universal Maintenance Oil is a care oil that can be used to refresh any surface treated with Rubio® Monocoat oil, as well as to modernize surfaces finished (and even varnished) with other oils.

RMC Universal Maintenance Oil is available in the following colors: pure, white and black. The color of the surface to be treated will be the deciding factor in which color you will need. Due to the slight pigmentation, the surface is refreshed without affecting the original overall effect.

  • RMC Universal Maintenance oil can be used on any oil-treated surface. Even on a lacquered surface that already shows signs of the first cracks, to protect and subsequently care for it.
  • RMC Universal Maintenance oil not only refreshes the wood, but also provides additional drip resistance. This is why nursing oil is particularly suitable for heavy-duty surfaces such as floors in hotels, restaurants and office buildings.
  • For those who want a slightly brighter surface: RMC Universal Maintenance Oil gives a soft, satin finish to the treated surface.

Colours: pure, white and black

Usage: 150-200 m2 / L

Packaging: 100 ml, 0.5L

For more information, please visit our website.

The products prices are gross and include 27% VAT.


Az RMC Universal Maintenance Oil a következő színekben kapható: pure (tiszta), white (fehér) és black (fekete). A kezelésre szoruló felület színe lesz a döntő abban, hogy melyik színre lesz szüksége. Az enyhe pigmentálódás miatt a felület felfrissül anélkül, hogy befolyásolná az eredeti összhatást.

Az RMC Universal Maintenance olajat bármilyen olajjal kezelt felületen használhatja. Akár még olyan lakkozott felületen is, amelyen már látszódnak az első repedések jelei, annak védelméhez és utólagos ápolásához is alkalmas.

100 ml
Article No.
1.101 kg/db

No professional expertise is required to treat your floor with RMC Universal Maintenance Oil.

  1. Eliminate dirt and dust from the floor.
  2. Clean the floor thoroughly with RMC Soap and water.
  3. Rinse well with water to eliminate any soap residues. Leave it to dry completely.
    • Manual application – Apply the oil using a cloth, brush, or sponge.
    • Mechanical application – Apply the oil using a floor polisher and a beige colored pad. Treat areas of preferably 2 to 4 m2. Each treated area should be wiped dry using kitchen tissue or a cotton cloth within 15 minutes. When using a floor polisher, wipe dry using a white pad.
  4. Ensure the room is well-ventilated. The floor should be dry after 6 - 8 hours.


During the first week clean only using a wet cloth. Later, RMC Soap may be used.